How Smart Are Beagles? The Truth About Their Intelligence

Beagles are one of the most beloved dog breeds in the world, known for their charming personality, adorable appearance, and keen sense of smell. But how smart are beagles? And how do they compare to other dog breeds in terms of intelligence?

Beagles are smart dogs with a specialized skill set. They are excellent scent hounds that can track down any smell with remarkable accuracy and persistence. They are also very social dogs that can communicate well with humans and other dogs. However, beagles are not very obedient dogs that can learn commands easily and follow them consistently. They have a strong will and a curious mind that often leads them to trouble.

In this article, I will explore the different aspects of beagle intelligence, such as:

  • How beagles rank in dog intelligence tests
  • How beagles use their instinctive intelligence for hunting
  • How beagles show their adaptive intelligence for problem-solving
  • How beagles display their social intelligence for communication

I will also give you some tips on how to train your beagle and make the most of their intelligence.

How Beagles Rank in Dog Intelligence Tests?

One of the most popular ways to measure dog intelligence is based on the book “The Intelligence of Dogs” by Dr. Stanley Coren, a psychology professor and neuropsychological researcher. In his book, he ranked over 100 dog breeds based on their obedience and working intelligence, which is the ability to learn and obey commands.

According to his criteria, beagles rank low in dog intelligence. They are the 131st smartest dog breed out of 138. This means that beagles need more than 80 repetitions to learn a new command and obey it only 25% of the time or less.

However, this does not mean that beagles are dumb dogs. Rather, it means that beagles have different motivators that don’t fit well with the standardized test criteria. Beagles are not interested in pleasing their owners or working for rewards. They are more interested in following their noses and exploring their surroundings.

Beagles are also independent thinkers who like to make their own decisions. They don’t like being told what to do or how to do it. They prefer to figure things out on their own and use their creativity and curiosity.

Therefore, obedience and working intelligence are not a fair way to measure beagle intelligence. It only reflects one aspect of dog intelligence that does not suit the beagle’s personality and instincts.

How Beagles Use Their Instinctive Intelligence for Hunting?

A better way to measure beagle intelligence is based on their instinctive intelligence, which is the ability to perform tasks that they were bred for. Beagles are one of the best scent hounds in the world, with an amazing ability to track down any smell with remarkable accuracy and persistence.

Beagles were originally bred for hunting small game, such as rabbits and hares. They have a powerful nose that can detect even the faintest scent and follow it for miles without losing track. They also have a loud and distinctive voice that they use to alert their owners or other dogs of their location or their prey.

Beagles use their instinctive intelligence for hunting every day, even if they don’t hunt anymore. They love to sniff everything around them and chase anything that moves. They also love to bark or bay when they find something interesting or exciting.

Beagles instinctive intelligence is impressive and admirable. It shows how smart they are at doing what they were born to do. However, it can also cause some problems for beagle owners who live in urban areas or have neighbors who don’t appreciate noisy dogs.

How Beagles Show Their Adaptive Intelligence for Problem-Solving?

Another way to measure beagle intelligence is based on their adaptive intelligence, which is the ability to learn from experience and solve problems on their own. Beagles show their adaptive intelligence in many ways, such as:

  • Finding ways to escape from fences, crates, or leashes
  • Opening doors, cabinets, or refrigerators
  • Stealing food from tables, counters, or trash cans
  • Hiding toys, bones, or treats
  • Luring their owners away from their food or belongings
  • Pretending to be sick or injured to get attention or sympathy

Beagles show their adaptive intelligence when they face a challenge or an opportunity that interests them. They use their creativity and curiosity to find solutions or advantages. They also use their memory and observation skills to learn from their mistakes or successes.

Beagles adaptive intelligence is remarkable and amusing. It shows how smart they are at finding ways to get what they want or need. However, it can also cause some problems for beagle owners who have to deal with their mischief or stubbornness.

How Beagles Display Their Social Intelligence for Communication?

Another way to measure beagle intelligence is based on their social intelligence, which is the ability to communicate and interact with humans and other dogs. Beagles display their social intelligence in many ways, such as:

  • Understanding human words, gestures, and emotions
  • Responding to human commands, praise, or correction
  • Expressing their feelings with barks, howls, or body language
  • Playing with humans or other dogs
  • Showing affection and loyalty to their owners or family
  • Seeking attention or comfort from humans or other dogs

They display their social intelligence when they interact with their social environment. Beagles are very friendly and outgoing dogs that enjoy being around people and other dogs. They can easily communicate their needs and understand human moods. They are also very affectionate and loyal dogs that love to cuddle and snuggle with their owners or family.

Beagles social intelligence is admirable and endearing. It shows how smart they are at forming bonds and relationships with humans and other dogs. However, it can also cause some problems for beagle owners who have to deal with their separation anxiety or jealousy.

Tips on How to Train Your Beagle and Make the Most of Their Intelligence

Beagles are smart dogs with a specialized skill set. They have a lot of potential and can learn many things if trained properly. However, beagles are not easy to train because they have a strong will and a curious mind that often leads them to trouble.

Therefore, beagle owners need to be patient and consistent with their training and make the most of their intelligence. Here are some tips on how to train your beagle and make the most of their intelligence:

  • Start training your beagle as early as possible. Beagles are easier to train when they are puppies than when they are adults.
  • Use positive reinforcement methods. Beagles respond better to rewards than punishments. Use treats, toys, praise, or affection as rewards for good behavior. Avoid scolding, hitting, or yelling at your beagle for bad behavior.
  • Keep training sessions short and fun. Beagles have a short attention span and get bored easily. Keep training sessions short (10 to 15 minutes) and fun (use games or tricks) to keep your beagle interested and motivated.
  • Focus on the basics first. Beagles need to learn the basic commands first, such as sit, stay, come, down, heel, leave it, etc. These commands will help you control your beagle and prevent them from getting into trouble.
  • Use a leash or a crate when necessary. Beagles have a strong tendency to wander off or chase anything that moves. Use a leash or a crate when you take your leave them alone at home to prevent them from escaping or causing damage.
  • Provide enough exercise and mental stimulation. Beagles need at least an hour of exercise per day to burn off their energy and keep them healthy. They also need mental challenges to keep them entertained and prevent boredom. Provide your beagle with puzzle toys, interactive toys, chew toys, or hide-and-seek games that stimulate their brain and reward them with treats.
  • Provide enough socialization. Beagles are social dogs that enjoy being around people and other dogs. Provide your beagle with opportunities to socialize with other friendly dogs at dog parks, doggy daycare centers, or playdates. You can also spend quality time with your beagle by cuddling with them, talking to them, or teaching them new tricks.


So How Smart Are Beagles? Beagles are smart dogs with a specialized skill set. They have a remarkable ability to track down any smell with accuracy and persistence. They also have a great ability to communicate and interact with humans and other dogs.

However, beagles are not very obedient dogs that can learn commands easily and follow them consistently. They have a strong will and a curious mind that often leads them to trouble.

Therefore, beagle owners need to be patient and consistent with their training and make the most of their intelligence.

Beagles are wonderful dogs that have a lot to offer if you understand their personality and instincts. They are loyal, friendly, affectionate, and fun-loving dogs that will make you laugh and smile every day.