Discover How to Handle a Stubborn Beagle – 6 Amazing Tips

Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, known for their adorable faces, floppy ears, and cheerful personalities. However, anyone who owns a Beagle knows that they can also be very stubborn and difficult to train. Why is that?

The answer lies in their history and instincts. Beagles were originally bred as hunting dogs, specifically for tracking small game like rabbits and hares. They have a very keen sense of smell, which they use to follow trails and chase prey. They also have a lot of energy and stamina, which they need to run for long distances.

These traits make Beagles excellent hunters, but they also make them independent and easily distracted. Beagles are used to making their own decisions and relying on their noses rather than their owners. They often ignore commands and cues, especially when they catch an interesting scent or see something exciting. They also tend to be vocal, baying, and howling to communicate with other dogs or express their emotions.

Beagles are not stubborn because they are stupid or malicious. They are simply following their natural instincts, which are not always compatible with human expectations. However, this does not mean that Beagles are impossible to train. They are actually very intelligent and eager to please, as long as they are motivated and engaged.

The key to training a Beagle is to understand their needs and personalities and to use positive reinforcement methods that reward them for good behavior.

6 Tips on How to Deal with a Stubborn Beagle

1. Start early. Beagles are easier to train when they are young, so begin socializing and teaching them basic commands as soon as you bring them home.

2. Establish a routine. Be consistent and clear with your rules and expectations, and follow the same training procedures every time. This will help your Beagle learn what is expected of them and avoid confusion.

3. Use food rewards. Beagles love food and will do almost anything for a tasty treat. Use food as a reward for following commands, learning new skills, or behaving well. However, be careful not to overfeed your Beagle, as they can easily become overweight.

4. Make training fun. Beagles are playful and curious dogs, who enjoy mental stimulation and challenges. Make training sessions short, varied, and fun, using games, toys, and praise to keep your Beagle interested and happy.

5. Avoid punishment. Punishing your Beagle for being stubborn or disobedient will only make them fearful or resentful of you, and will not teach them anything. Instead of scolding or hitting your Beagle, ignore or redirect unwanted behavior, and focus on rewarding desired behavior.

6. Be patient. Training a Beagle takes time, effort, and patience. Do not expect your Beagle to learn everything overnight, or to be perfect all the time. Accept their flaws and quirks, and celebrate their progress and achievements.

Stubborn Beagle

Why are Beagles so difficult?

Training Beagles can pose a challenge due to their inclination towards independence. When on a hunt, Beagles tend to take the lead, relying heavily on their keen sense of smell rather than following their owner’s cues. This independent streak often results in them being less motivated by seeking praise or affection from their owner during training sessions.

How stubborn is a Beagle?

Beagles can display stubbornness when they catch a captivating scent, as their focus becomes fixed on tracking the enticing aroma. Training Beagles for obedience during their youth requires patience, and socialization remains a crucial aspect of nurturing well-rounded family dogs.

Why don’t Beagles come when called?

Compared to certain other breeds, Beagles have a greater inclination to pursue a scent trail, putting them at a higher risk of wandering off. This implies that, despite the effectiveness of your Beagle’s recall training, she may opt to follow a new scent trail rather than return to you, regardless of how diligently you’ve practiced this essential skill.

Is it too late to train my Beagle?

If you’re questioning the right time to train a beagle, the response is always! Training a beagle in adulthood can offer advantages, as they may be less prone to distractions and have lower energy levels compared to their puppy days.


Beagles are stubborn dogs, but they are also loyal, friendly, and fun-loving companions. With proper training and understanding, you can have a wonderful relationship with your Beagle that is based on mutual respect and trust.

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