Are Beagles Hypoallergenic? What to Know Before Getting One

Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and for good reasons. They are friendly, playful, loyal, and adorable. However, if you suffer from allergies, you may wonder if Beagles are hypoallergenic and whether they are a good fit for your home.

The short answer is no, Beagles are not hypoallergenic. In fact, no dog breed is completely allergen-free, as all dogs produce some amount of saliva, dander, and fur that can trigger allergic reactions in some people. However, some dog breeds are more hypoallergenic than others, meaning they produce less allergens and shed less hair.

Beagles are not among these hypoallergenic breeds. They have a thick, double coat that sheds moderately throughout the year and more heavily during seasonal changes. They also produce dander, which are microscopic flakes of skin that can carry allergens. Additionally, their saliva contains proteins that can cause allergies in some people.

So, if you are allergic to dogs, Beagles may not be the best choice for you. However, if you have mild allergies or love Beagles too much to give up on them, there are some steps you can take to reduce your exposure to allergens and make living with a Beagle more comfortable.

Here are some tips to help you cope with your allergies and enjoy your Beagle’s company:

Brush your Beagle regularly

This will help remove loose hair and dander from their coat and prevent them from spreading around your home. Use a slicker brush or a shedding blade to get rid of the dead undercoat. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe down your Beagle’s fur after brushing to remove any remaining allergens.

Bathe your Beagle occasionally

This will help wash away any dirt, dust, or pollen that may have accumulated on their fur. However, don’t bathe them too often, as this can dry out their skin and cause more dander production. Use a mild shampoo that is specially formulated for dogs and rinse well.

Clean your home frequently

Vacuum your carpets, rugs, furniture, and curtains regularly to remove any hair or dander that may have settled there. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter that can trap small particles and allergens. You can also use an air purifier to improve the air quality in your home and filter out any airborne allergens.

Wash your bedding often

If you allow your Beagle to sleep on your bed or couch, make sure you wash your sheets, pillowcases, blankets, and covers frequently. Use hot water and detergent to kill any germs or allergens that may be lurking there. You can also use hypoallergenic covers for your mattress and pillows to prevent any allergens from seeping through.

Keep your Beagle out of certain areas

If you have severe allergies or asthma, you may want to limit your Beagle’s access to certain rooms in your home where you spend most of your time or where you sleep. This will help reduce your exposure to their allergens and give you some relief. You can use baby gates or doors to keep them out of these areas.

Consult your doctor or allergist

If you have serious allergies or asthma that affect your health or quality of life, you should seek medical advice before getting a Beagle or any other dog. Your doctor or allergist can help you determine the best course of action for managing your condition and prescribe medication or treatment if needed. They can also perform allergy tests to confirm what exactly you are allergic to and how severe your reaction is.

Are Beagles OK for allergies?

Based on the research, it was found that Beagles are not hypoallergenic and, in fact, they produce a relatively high amount of dander compared to other small breeds. This could potentially pose problems for individuals who have pet allergies or sensitivities.

Is there a non shedding Beagle?

Despite being a low-maintenance breed that doesn’t require much grooming, Beagles still produce allergens, making them neither hypoallergenic nor high shedding. According to experts, there’s no such thing as a completely hypoallergenic dog.

Does washing a dog reduce dander?

Regularly washing your dog can help reduce the amount of recoverable allergen from their hair and dander. It is recommended to wash your dog at least twice a week to maintain the reduction of Can f 1 allergen in their hair. While washing your dog can help to some extent, it only achieves a small reduction in the airborne Can f 1 levels in homes with dogs.


Beagles are wonderful dogs that can bring joy and happiness to any home. However, they are not hypoallergenic and may cause problems for people with allergies or asthma. If you are considering getting a Beagle as a pet but suffer from allergies, make sure you weigh the pros and cons carefully and take the necessary precautions to minimize your symptoms.

Remember that every person and every dog is different, so what works for one may not work for another. The best way to find out if a Beagle is right for you is to spend some time with them before making a decision.

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