Dogs are not only our loyal companions but also our emotional support. They can sense our moods, comfort us when we are sad, and make us laugh with their antics. But what happens when our dogs are the ones who are feeling blue? Can dogs get depressed, and if so, how can we help them? In this article, I’ll show you the help them with dog depression therapy.
What is Dog Depression?

Dog depression is not the same as clinical depression in humans, which is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness. However, dogs can experience the blues, sadness, and grief in response to various situations, such as:
- Losing a companion animal or a human owner
- Moving to a new home or changing the routine
- Being neglected or abused
- Having a medical condition or pain
- Being stressed or anxious
Dog depression can manifest in different ways, depending on the cause and the personality of the dog. Some common signs of depression in dogs are:
- Decreased appetite or weight loss
- Sleeping more than usual or appearing lethargic
- Losing interest in normal activities or play
- Seeking more attention or being clingy
- Hiding or avoiding social situations
- Vocalizing more or less than usual
- Showing aggression or destructive behavior
- Having accidents in the house
If you notice any of these signs in your dog, the first step is to take them to the veterinarian for a thorough checkup. Some of these signs could indicate a medical problem that needs treatment, such as arthritis, diabetes, thyroid issues, or infections. Your vet can also rule out any physical causes of your dog’s depression and advise you on the best course of action.
Dog Depression Therapy
The good news is that most dogs can recover from depression with Dog Depression Therapy, like extra TLC and changes in their environment. Here are some ways you can help your dog feel better:
- Keep them engaged and stimulated. Provide them with toys, puzzles, games, and walks that they enjoy. Try to stick to a regular schedule and routine that they can rely on.
- Reward them for positive behavior. Praise them when they show signs of happiness, such as wagging their tail, eating, or playing. Avoid reinforcing negative behavior by giving too much attention or treats when they are moping or whining.
- Give them affection and comfort. Pet them, cuddle them, talk to them, and let them know you love them. You can also use calming products such as pheromone sprays, collars, or diffusers that mimic the natural soothing signals of dogs.
- Consider getting another pet. If your dog is depressed because of the loss of a companion animal, they may benefit from having another furry friend to keep them company. However, this depends on your dog’s personality and preferences. Some dogs may not get along with a new pet or may feel jealous or threatened. Introduce them gradually and monitor their interactions.
- Consult a behaviorist or a veterinarian. If your dog’s depression is severe or caused by fears or anxieties, you may need professional help. A behaviorist can design a behavior modification plan that addresses the root cause of your dog’s depression and teaches them coping skills. A veterinarian can prescribe medication that can help your dog feel more relaxed and balanced. Some of the medications used for depressed dogs are the same as those used for depressed humans, such as Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft²³. These medications should be used in conjunction with behavioral therapy and under the supervision of your vet.
How to Prevent Dog Depression?

While some cases of dog depression are unavoidable, such as those caused by death or illness, there are some things you can do to prevent your dog from getting depressed in the first place:
- Provide them with adequate exercise and mental stimulation. Dogs need physical activity and mental challenges to stay healthy and happy. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise for their age and breed, and provide them with toys, puzzles, games, and training that keep their mind sharp and engaged.
- Socialize them with other dogs and people. Dogs are social animals that need positive interactions with other dogs and humans. Socialize your dog from an early age and expose them to different situations, people, animals, and environments. This will help them develop confidence and resilience.
- Pay attention to their needs and emotions. Dogs communicate with us through their body language, vocalizations, and behavior. Learn to read your dog’s signals and respond accordingly. If your dog seems stressed, anxious, bored, or unhappy, try to find out why and address the issue.
- Provide them with a safe and comfortable environment. Dogs need a space where they can feel secure and relaxed. Provide them with a cozy bed, fresh water, food, toys, and access to natural light. Avoid exposing them to loud noises, harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or other sources of stress.
How to treat depression in dogs?
Dog Depression Therapy – Show your dog extra love and attention to help uplift their spirits. Engage them in regular walks, playtime, and activities that they find enjoyable. If your dog is experiencing symptoms of depression due to the loss of an animal companion, consider getting another pet or gradually introducing them to other pets for socialization. By providing companionship and stimulating their social interactions, you can help improve your dog’s emotional well-being and alleviate their depression.
How do you make a sad dog happy?
Devote quality time to your dog, as they may be experiencing feelings of loneliness. Engage in interactive play sessions and have conversations with them, as dogs are social creatures that thrive on companionship. If possible, include your dog in your travels to provide them with new experiences and reduce their feelings of isolation. Keep their favorite treats readily available to reward and comfort them. By prioritizing their emotional needs and creating positive experiences, you can help alleviate their loneliness and strengthen your bond with your beloved canine companion.
How long does it take for a dog to recover from depression?
The recovery time for a dog with depression can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition, as well as the treatment and support they receive. According to some experts, most dogs bounce back from depression within a few days to a few months with just a little extra TLC. However, some dogs may need longer to heal, especially if they have experienced trauma, loss, or chronic pain. Some dogs may also benefit from medication, such as antidepressants, which can help them feel more relaxed and balanced. These medications are usually prescribed for 6 to 12 months and then tapered off. The best way to help your dog recover from depression is to provide them with a safe, comfortable, and stimulating environment, and to reward them for positive behavior. You should also monitor their progress and consult your veterinarian or a behaviorist if you have any concerns or questions.
Do dogs miss their owners?
Absolutely! Numerous studies, including those utilizing brain scans, have shed light on dogs experiencing negative emotions when their owners are away. These studies have provided evidence indicating that dogs may feel a sense of distress or anxiety during separation from their owners. By observing changes in brain activity and behavior, researchers have gathered insights into the emotional state of dogs when they are separated from their beloved human companions.
Dog depression is a real and serious condition that can affect your dog’s quality of life. However, with proper Dog Depression Therapy, you can help your dog overcome their depression and enjoy life again. Remember that your dog is your best friend and they need your love and support. Following the tips in this article can help your dog feel better and happier.